FLAT OUT FACTS from IMPAC5, Post 1: Marine Conservation Targets and Status

IMPAC5 (the 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress) was held in Vancouver, BC between February 5th and 9th, 2023.
Now that it’s wrapped up, we’re sharing some newsworthy Flat out Facts about marine conservation in Canada in a series of three posts this week.
At the conference, the Government of Canada reaffirmed its target of conserving 25% of Canada’s oceans by 2025, and 30% by 2030.
Canada also announced the upcoming Tang.ɢwan - ḥačxwiqak - Tsig̱is Marine Protected Area off the British Columbia coast. This new protected area will increase marine conservation in BC to approximately 35% in the coming months.
Current Status of Marine Conservation (as of June 8, 2022):
14.7%: Canada’s total coastal and marine area conserved
24.4%: BC’s coastal and marine area conserved
Expected Status of BC’s Marine Conservation (as of December 31, 2023)
35.5%: BC’s coastal and marine area conserved

Canada's conserved areas (Canada’s Conserved Areas – Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators, ECCC (May 2022))
Government of Canada on track to meet its 2025 and 2030 Marine Conservation Targets - Canada.ca
Canada’s marine protected and conserved areas (dfo-mpo.gc.ca)
February 15, 2023